• Product Code: TSSPSB(X)
  • Product SKU:
  • Item Code: CTMT-SPS-ZZZ -
  • Availability: In Stock


TSSPSC1 ROMOLD PLASTIC STORAGE CABINETS  15L 15kg 534mm(L) x 420mm(W) x 990mm(H) 3 years guarantee  12kg EACH 39239000
TSSPSC2 ROMOLD PLASTIC STORAGE CABINETS  70L 44kg 650mm(L) x 570mm(W) x 1650mm(H) 3 years guarantee  52kg EACH 39239000
TSSPSC3 ROMOLD PLASTIC STORAGE CABINETS  225L 50kg 920mm(L) x 720mm(W) x 1835mm(H) 3 years guarantee  300kg EACH 39239000
TSSPSC4 ROMOLD PLASTIC STORAGE CABINETS  225L 60kg 740mm(L) x 920mm(W) x 1835mm(H) 3 years guarantee  52kg EACH 39239000
TSSPSC5 ROMOLD PLASTIC STORAGE CABINETS  100L 55kg 740mm(L) x 920mm(W) x 1520mm(H) 3 years guarantee  52kg EACH 39239000

CERT Equipment Supply (Company Emergency Response Team)

CERT TIER 1 HRI - For more information, please contact us at

For Tier 1 P&FM Premises only:

 Premises storing 5 or more metric tonnes of P&FM

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

a. Disposable chemical suit

b. Rubber gloves

c. Rubber boots

d. Fire fighting suit

e. Breathing apparatus

f. Fire fighting helmet

g. Goggles / Face shields

h. Fire fighting gloves

i. Fire fighting boots

Mitigation Equipment

a. Hazmat absorbents

b. Over-pack drums / Leak sealing devices

c. Fire extinguishers (appropriate class)

d. Hose reel

e. FF nozzles & hoses (1 nozzle, 2x20m hoses)

First Aid and rescue equipment

a. First aid kit

b. Foldable stretcher

c. Blanket

d. AED

Communication Equipment

a. Loud Hailer

b. Walkie Talkie

For Tier 1 HRI Premises only:

 Public and industrial premises with FSM, and classified as High Risk Installation by SCDF

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

a. Fire retardant coveralls

a. Breathing apparatus

b. Safety helmets

c. Goggles / Face shields

d. Safety gloves

e. Safety boots

Mitigation Equipment

a. Fire extinguishers (appropriate class)

b. Hose reel

First Aid and rescue equipment

a. First aid kit

b. Foldable stretcher

c. Blanket

d. AED

Communication Equipment

a. Loud Hailer

b. Walkie Talkie


 Emergency response

• Establish an Emergency Response Plan and spill control procedure for
   minor leak or spill scenario considering the nature of the material being released
   (e.g. whether it is toxic or flammable).
• Minor leaks or spills may be handled by trained personnel or the Company
   Emergency Response Team. Prepare a suitable spill control kit for emergency
   use. Contents of a typical spill control kit include (non-exhaustive):

     - universal inert absorbents (e.g. absorbent booms, pads, pillows) for spill
     - adsorbents for solvent and hydrocarbon spills
     - drain covers and caution tape
     - whisk broom or handheld brush, plastic/metal scoops and dust pan
     - leak-proof disposal bags or containers to hold the spilled material and
       contaminated absorbents
     - sealable impervious disposal container(s)

• For major leaks, notify the Singapore Civil Defence Force and/or Police.

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